The Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) Certification Scheme is the national scheme in Malaysia for oil palm plantations, independent and organised smallholdings, and palm oil processing facilities to be certified against the requirements of the MSPO Standards.

The MSPO Scheme allows for oil palm management certification and supply chain certification and provides for:
- Development of Certification Standards
- Peer reviewing of audit reports
- Issuance of logo usage licenses
- Supply chain traceability requirements
- Guidelines for auditing
- Accreditation requirements and notification of certification bodies
- Application by potential clients for certification audits
- Procedures for handling of complaints
Objectives Of The Mspo Logo
To indicate that the product originated from an oil palm planted area certified to the requirements of the OPMC standard
To indicate that the organisation is certified to the MSPO requirement (OPMC or SCCS) To support the use of MSPO Certified palm oil and palm oil products.

Types Of Certifications
Oil Palm Management Certification
This is a process that sets the standards for responsible management of palm oil plantations, smallholdings and palm oil processing facilities. The certification process is run by an accredited third party certification body to assess and verify that the oil palm management is in compliance with the standards’ requirements as prescribed in the MSPO standards.
Supply Chain Certification
Supply chain certification applies to parties (mainly companies) who process, trade or manufacture palm oil from certified oil palm management units. It shows the link of the palm oil (product) from the mill to the final product, keeping certified palm oil product separated from its uncertified counterpart, thus ensuring the value of certification right through the value chain to the customer.
Mspo Oil Palm Management Certification Process